
Dear devotees,
This new blog is for the devotees who are making Yoga Inbound tours to India and South America and also who want to start doing it.
It is wonderful preaching opportunity, which help us to develop the different farms and temples and to give opportunity to the people to have sadhu sanga and visit holy places.

Here you will see all the devotees who are making tours and you will have the opportunity to have contact with them. We plan to make also forum for exchanging ideas and commentaries.
Further you will find all the farms and projects of Vrinda where you can bring tours and also their current status about how many people can be brought there and what kind of courses can be offered.
Here you will find a list of the seminaries available for the tours and in which places they are offered.
Especially for the groups in India we are going to make a reservation system which will show the availability of accommodation of the groups during the karttik time and gour purnim and application for organizing a tour which has to be sent to the respectful devotees here in Vrinda kunja.
For the tours in India we offer you a manual with full optional program and description of the places, hotels and all details you need to organize tour to India.
All the farms and temples are with mail for contact of the persons in charge.
Also Gurudev made very nice presentation on how to prepare the people before starting the tour to India and especially Vrindavan, so they can be really fired up for coming here and ready to accept all the blessings and wonderful spiritual experience.

We wish you very successful preaching in the organizing of Yoga Inbound tours and please, contact us for any questions you may have or suggestions.


Optional seminaries during the tours

teach the inbound yoga
Learn languages in the yoga monastery
learn the Vedic architecture secrets of distribution of the space

Pilgrimages - visiting the energy centers, applicable in farms, where it is possible to visit special sites also in India Vrindavan, Mayapur
Vedic philosophy
Organic Agriculture courses
The techniques of Bhakti meditation
Art temples
Ayurveda courses
Learning Mridanga and cartals
Indian Dances
Fire Sacrifices

Pre initiation course

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